May 14, 2008

Chaos, death and tears

Followed a link from learned counsel Mike Plaisted's riff this morning. Bob Novak typed this bit about some "unnamed" evangelical Christian nutcases who see a Barack Obama presidency in terms of Biblical prophecy, as in, a plague to bring about the End of Times prophecy.

Of course these whackfruits are planted wide and deep, from John McCain's religious pal John Hagee to the hyperventilating lunatics Rexella and Jack Van Impe, for whom the fanciful fiery death of all humanity in a river of blood is like a raging overdose of Levitra.

This is not news but Novakula's ghoulish angle is that they're somehow connected to good old Mike Huckabee of Hope, AR, favored in some circles as McCain's vice-presidential running mate.

And, obviously, Huckabee says it's bollocks. But they're out there:
My father in law voted to re-elect Bush, because he believed he was put on this Earth by God to hasten the Apocalypse, and he wanted this to happen so that he "wouldn't miss it," and get the chance to be assumed into heaven without being defiled by the grave. — Posted by fontapa
Now I know Republicans used to keep black people from voting by putting quasi-academic tests in their way at the polling stations, so is there a way we can set up some in situ diagnostic psychiatry?

Not only is it disturbing that but 49% of registered voters deliver the presidential mandate (and then only 49% of those, in a recent celebrated instance), 19% helps you lie and buy your way to a seat on a State Supreme Court, and 5% referendums you another Wal-Mart thrown up in Austin, TX. But what's truly frightening is fontapa's father-in-law being among the few that actually do get out and vote.

I'm practically convinced that with 100% voter turn-out in this greatest of all democracies, the only place you'd ever see a conservative Republican politician again is in a museum. Or maybe the End of Times really is coming, and this is our plague.


Anonymous said...

The Crazification Factor.


3rd Way said...

I'm practically convinced that with 100% voter turn-out in this greatest of all democracies, the only place you'd ever see a conservative Republican politician again is in a museum.

I share the same conviction.

If voter turnout increased we would get closer to a government that actually works for the people. I have always felt the best way to increase turnout would be to hold elections on a holiday where everyone has the day off. The day of the presidential election should be a national holiday where everyone is encouraged to go out and vote, then go out and celebrate.

Businesses should be encouraged to be patriotic and have election related promotions. Your "I Voted" sticker should be as valuable as currency on election day, redeemable for a free drink at your local pub, or 10% off your dinner bill at your favorite restaurant. Those that have the ability to promote increased participation should be patriotic and do so.