And the PolitiFactWisc team performs a little editorial chicanery of its own. What Hassett's statement reads is this: "Even more troubling [than Kratz's antics] are reports that JB Van Hollen knew about this case for nearly a year and did nothing about it." But the PolitFactWisc version truncates that to, "JB Van Hollen knew about this case for nearly a year and did nothing about it." So it was "reports" that Van Hollen did nothing which Hassett was referencing.
Was Hassett being cute by throwing in "reports" and then directing his ire toward the alleged inaction revealed by those "reports"? Of course he was being cute, yet it is — and was meant to be — one step removed from making his own factual allegation against Van Hollen.
But it's no more cute than the PolitiFactWisc crew deliberately excising that germane consideration from Hassett's statement.
PolitiFactWisc's reiteration of the sexting DA's ongoing imbroglio's timeline is useful but it sure seems like a lot of trouble to go through to "check a fact" that wasn't really being presented as one, especially when you need to manipulate the claim you purport to be checking.
Photo: AG Van Hollen models an ostentatious concealed carry outfit.
didn't do nothing
+1000, as the kids say.
Is that a grand sword under your lambskin apron, or are you just glad to see me?
Republifacts Wisconsin has done a fine job of letting everyone know that it is biased toward the GOP.
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