Ratzinger has raised the hackles of scientists and students in Italy for observing that the Inquisition was "reasonable and just" to have tried and convicted Galileo for heresy in the 17th century.
Now Ratzinger has cancelled his scheduled visit to Rome's La Sapienza university in the wake of protests, which are themselves a bit silly.
That the persecution of Galileo was "reasonable and just" is a thought cherry-picked from philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend's provocative "collage" of ideas, Against Method. Unfortunately Ratzinger added, "The faith does not grow from resentment and the rejection of rationality, but from its fundamental affirmation, and from being rooted in a still greater form of reason."
Talk about completely missing the point. There exists a much, much broader context here, that being the history of science, and the manner in which scientific "paradigms" have replaced one another during the course of that history. What Feyerabend was suggesting is that Aristotle, who believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, was better at arguing than was Galileo, not that the means and ends of the Inquisition were defensible, and certainly not that faith is rooted in an even greater form of reason.
In his critique of scientific methodology, Feyerabend compared Aristotle's debating style with Galileo's and argued that even though the latter was correct about the arrangement of the solar system and the former not, Galileo's support for his discoveries was often tainted by "rhetoric, propaganda, and various epistemological tricks," whereas Aristotle's deployment of logical inference was more rigorous. In other words, Aristotle's method was more sound.
That the Inquisition was "reasonable and just" is but pure provocation: "I love to shock people," as Feyerabend put it in his autobiography. It's hardly either reasonable or just to put a man to trial on penalty of torture for challenging the teachings of some religion, although I disagree that Der Papst should be discouraged from propagating his inanities at any particular venue.
Let him speak. He occasionally comes up with some great material.
Greetings I.T.,
How sweet it is.., that the university in Rome is causing this uproar!! It warms my heart to see Truth and Justice stand upon their own two feet in the face of the Dragon Queen (Vatican/Papacy).
Here's some pivotal knowledge (wisdom). Use it well in the upcoming conflagration.
Religion is FlimFlam spirituality !!!
It is beyond amazing that these "snakes in fancy clothing" still have the gall to continue to defend the abomination that was/is the Inquisition. Now we have a Grand Inquisitor Pope (a.k.a., Glory of the Olives...) who personally defends much of the Vatican-Papacy's most heinous and despicable activities.
Why does anyone need anymore proof that religious leaders are lying through their teeth to save their own skins? Christianity has been decisively proven to be a Roman deception, and they know the end is nigh!!
Speaking of more proof...
Here is comprehensive proof that the symbolism of many ancient texts, canons, and concepts is an advanced and extremely ancient spiritual & philosophical technology that predates all extant religions and mystery schools. Consequently, here is proof, beyond disproof, that all three so-called "Faiths of Abraham" are purposeful deceptions.
Here is Wisdom...
Seven Star Hand,
What, nothing about the explosives hidden in the WTC?
I'm very, very disappointed, SSH.
Beware, iT...
Else you bring the wrath of Sir Daddio the Pious upon you. Forsooth, he doth battle with me and the Crown Prince of Progressives.
"[N]o Pope will err in matters of faith and morals, ever."
Haha. Beg the question much?
We don't want a little thing like reality get in the way of one's faith, you know.
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