March 15, 2009

Reporter attempts blogging

Yesterday I wondered when local journalists were going to start reporting on the many fundamentally contradictory messages of Jefferson County Circuit Judge Randy Koschnick, who says he's more qualified to sit on the Wisconsin Supreme Court than its veteran Chief Justice, Shirley Abrahamson.

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Steven Walters tries his hand:
When asked about Abrahamson's age, the 48-year-old Koschnick said: "I don't think it's an issue. I'm not going to make it an issue."

But in campaign appearances, the Jefferson County circuit judge has repeatedly said: "I won't run for a third term (if elected). I think two terms is enough. . . . I think 32 years is too long."
Nope. Term limits do not equal age. The requirements are fairly minimal, and it's conceivable that a Wisconsin justice could have served two terms by the time they were Koschnick's age. Try again.

There are enough contradictions available without inventing one.

1 comment:

James Rowen said...

I likes my justices the way I likes my airline pilots and physicians: the grayer, the wiser, the better.