February 13, 2009

Patti Cakes? Grill Daddy here.

Jefferson County Circuit Judge Randy Koschnick (@wicourts.gov) discusses his public speaking rider with Wisconsin Right to Life. And here, WRtL claims Koschnick "has 25 years of experience as a judge."

Impressive, considering he's not even 50 yet.


capper said...

Well, he was judging the apple pies at the county fair every year. His Aunt Mabel, the millionairess, always seems to win...

Well, he used to judge the apple pies, until he was overturned one year for picking Aunt Mabel's fried chicken as the best apple pie. I hear he has a tendency of doing things like that.

Display Name said...

I think they start counting from the moment of conception - that is, when he was admitted to the bar.

Scot1and said...

John, even then he's a few years short of 25.