April 14, 2011

Shorter Walkers before the committee

News item:
Scott Walker ill-advisedly appeared before Congress today.

Sensenbrenner (R-Damning with faint praise): Walker is an "interesting" and "very polarizing figure." #kochapalooza #kochapalmao

Kucinich eating Walker's brown bag lunch #wiunion

Shorter Issa (R-Accused Car Thief): We don't need no stinking non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau accounting #wiunion

Walker: What we're doing is like jiggering with the finances of my church. #wiunion

Tabatha Fitzcoffey issues arrest warrant for Scott Walker's hairstylist #wiunion

ProTip: @GovWalker, let the congressman be argumentative, don't engage the argumentativeness. #makesyoulookworsethanyoualreadydo

Walker glad he didn't have too many debates #wiunion #dontblamehim

Walker: "I didn't even know where Cali is." #fakekoch #wiunion #walkerplease

Walker: (*thinking*) Why does Mr. Koch want to take me to a Lassie-dog? #kochapalooza #wiunion

Gowdy (R-SC): We were told to go not to the Jewish nor Muslim nor Hindu nor Zoroastrian one but to the Christian Hell. #kochapalooza

The Hill: Walker asbestos underwear pushed to thermal insulative physical properties limit #kochapalooza

Rep. Gosar (R-AZ) looking oddly disheveled, as though he just crawled out of a hedge (or a cactus, as it were). #kochapalooza

Rep. Gosar: "We're constantly kicking the can down the ball." #kochapalooza #andputtingfoodonourfamilies

Cold fish Walker about to get Speier'd #kochapalozza

Walker *still* doesn't know how much oft-reported Koch-group contributed to his campaign #kochapalooza #walkerplease

Shorter Walberg (R-MI) to Walker: Let's you and I compare our bikers' leathers sometime. #kochapalooza

WI Gov. Walker: "Rights come from the constitution." #kochapalooza #takethatyounaturalrightssuckers

WI Gov. Walker: "Rights come from the constitution." #kochapalooza #teapartyaneurysm

Barton (R-IN): Did Fitzgerald test-run "carr[ying] ... feet first" a 6-mos-pregnant woman into the Senate with a watermelon? #kochapalooza

Shorter Walker: I'm merely graciously paving the fiscal way for my Democratic successor. #kochapalooza #cantcomesoonenough

Shorter Gwen Moore: #walkerplease #kochapalooza

Gwen Moore to Walker: Listen to the Highway People. #kochapalooza #rejectedspinaltapsongtitles

Palin coming to reassure Walker being half-term governor ain't so bad #wiunion


1 comment:

Display Name said...

Can't wait for someone to make the Chicago-esque "Does anybody really know where Kali is" YouTube video.