Pelosi attack flier was a "hardcore negative slam" — Neumann

It's only the oldest scam in the book, given the oft-mutating voting blocs within a 535-person (plus or minus Guam) bicameral legislature.
Never mind that dozens of other conservative Republicans — anybody top Jesse Helms? — voted for the transportation bill as well. Watch this comical WISN-12 teevee feature tracking Mark Neumann's agent as he stages an insurrection at Scott Walker HQ where, WISN's announcer gravely reports, the agent "received a chilly reception."
Cut the crap. Which highway in Canada did Mark Neumann pay for?
Please, let it be the Queen Elizabeth Way.*
* Disambiguation: #canadiansexpositions
THIS JUST IN: Top GOP mandarin demands Scott Walker stand down
On teh web: "Going negative" (complete with dropping bath towels).
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