October 7, 2009

A public relations disaster in the making

Dear Annie, please choose your battles more wisely.

This one here has to be the absolute worst on record.


Display Name said...

I've always thought that objecting to religious expressions on war memorials was the FFRF's third rail, but this comes pretty close.

illusory tenant said...

This is a really bad call, legally as well.

If this is what passes for an Establishment Clause violation in the State of Wisconsin, then there aren't any.

Clutch said...

I don't disagree about choosing wiser battles. But now, what would be the response if the letter had said, "I realize that life is precious and beautiful, not least because there is no afterlife, no gods, nothing else to make up for half-hearted efforts or half-lived lives." Do you suppose that theists would inscribe that on public property and not bridle?

illusory tenant said...

Not even if Pat Tillman wrote it.

Display Name said...

Why, you got a hat-tip from Wigderson about his, where the debate continues among those too timid to step foot here.

illusory tenant said...

Thanks for the links, especially the first one. As for the second, I hope those prayers work out for you.