October 12, 2008

Sad and lazy clowns

This morning on his popular teevee programme Sunday INCITE!, host Charlie Sykes predicted that once Barack Obama gets elected president of the United States and the "elite mainstream media" finally gets around to investigating Obama's true connections with such figures as William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, the people who voted for Obama are going to be upset.

Seated alongside Sykes was a member of the "elite mainstream media," Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel columnist Patrick McIlheran. Sykes didn't blame McIlheran directly, but he should have.

Because the best McIlheran has been able to come up with are hyperlinks to the crazed "Corner" bloggers at National Review Online and his own unsupported ditherings that Ayers and Obama are intellectual soulmates of identically radical disposition.

So long as McIlheran isn't out applying shoe leather to the pavement in Chicago, which is only an hour's drive from his office, he's just as responsible as anybody for Charlie Sykes's sad disappointments.


Anonymous said...

The West Bend News just carried a letter from a well known area right winger (one of those who thinks the GOP is too moderate) and retired high school teacher. He wrote that Obama's mentors were Saul Alinsky, and Tony Rezko, "both of whom are either in jail or under federal investigation". This would be some feat, since Alinsky died in 1972, when Obama was 11 years old and living in Hawaii. However, Googling quickly revealed that this supposed mentorship, and Alinsky's supposed communist ties, are high on the hit parade among the black helicopter crowd. This stuff gets passed around and amplified, and they believe it.

It's no surprise that the Southern Poverty Law Center has reported messages on hate group web pages that hope Obama wins, as a means of increasing their memberships.

Autism News Beat said...

I propose an "Obama supporter outrage countdown clock" for your blog. With 77 days between election day and Obama's inauguration, there's plenty of time for McIlliterate to comb the leafy streets of Hyde Park, looking for that illusive source.