January 9, 2012

Baby don't get hooked on statutory language

More Judge Mac "Big Righty" Davis from Edward Fallone:
[T]here are no explicit provisions in the statutes that direct the GAB to look for and eliminate duplicate, fictitious or unrecognizable signatures. Just a direction not to count signatures that are insufficient under Section 9.10(2)(e).
My friend Jay Bullock's post, cited by Fallone, was indeed a fine one.

Strict constructionists my honkey keister.


  1. As the process rolls along I suspect that Republicans will return to the friendly courtroom of Judge Davis for injunctions to prevent the recall from going forward because the GAB hasn't done enough to check for ficticious signatures, which could mean they will be forced to verify every signature until they reach the magical 540,000 number.

    How many months will this take? It sure is nice to have a few Waukesha County judges in your pocket and legislation that permits you to take every legal action directly to these legal sycohophants.

    Once the GAB has confirmed the signatures will the Republican Party then be able to challenge each one themselves and drag the process out further?

    Will all legal precedent in Wisconsin now be set in Waukesha County?

  2. I'm confident recall organizers will have performed due diligence prior to signatures being submitted to the GAB. In the meantime the WISGOP's legal wrangling and forum shopping only serve to confirm that self-described conservative judges are even more driven by outcomes than the so-called liberal judges they criticize. The law is simply a tool to either conform with or ignore, depending on their political goals.

  3. By the way the latest Waukesha County judge appointed by Walker, Jennifer Dorow, advertised herself as a specialist in defending those accused of sexual assault, including sexual assault of children. I'm sure we'll be hearing all about how Ms. Dorow's practice is an indicator of her being the "type of person" who defended "scumbags" like we did from Mike Gableman through his out-of-State agitator/defense attorney Jim Bopp all because Louis Butler once handled one such case on appeal.

  4. "Let mercy be the character of the lawgiver, but let the judge be a mere machine. The mercies of the law will be dispensed equally and impartially to every description of men; those of the judge or of the executive power will be the eccentric impulses of whimsical, capricious designing man."

  5. > because the GAB hasn't done enough to check for ficticious signatures ...

    Which has been my own point in the past. Walker v. GAB is really just Bush v. Gore Redux. They're simply trying to run out the clock. Note that Judge Davis actually said the recall organizers could not be party to the proceeding because time was of the essence and their inclusion would be cause "chaos." Sniff test, anyone!

  6. CAPITOL CHAOS! Judge Davis is like a walking TMJ-4 chyron.
