December 15, 2011

Gableman has easy defense to latest imbroglio

Michael Gableman received free legal service worth [tens of] thousands of dollars from one of Wisconsin's largest law firms [Michael Best & Friedrich] as it defended him against an ethics charge. The state's ethics code says state officials cannot receive anything of value for free because of their position.
As Mike Gableman received that something of value not — strictly speaking — because of his position but because of acting inconsistent with his position he should be free and clear. Good to go. Covered in glory. This firm has some pretty sweet deals with the WISGOP alright.

Gableman is tasked with supervising the ethics of the State's attorneys.

Of course I repeat myself but that is the darkest joke in all Wisconsin.
Gableman ran an ad ... [that] did not mention that Butler was unsuccessful in getting the offender out of prison early ...
Except Butler's objective was not whatsoever to get the offender out of prison early but rather his objective was to have evidence excluded because the black letter law commanded its exclusion and to not have sought its exclusion would have been an ethics violation on Butler's part.

Contra Gableman, Louis Butler is a professional, and a gentleman.

That Gableman purportedly understood all this contributed to his lie. The justices who voted against Gableman's position certainly understood it.


  1. And what does Elena Kagan have?

  2. I give up. What does Elena Kagan have.

  3. Anon- Elena Kagan is not a Wisconsin Supreme Court judge.

  4. Is this the middle of a knock-knock joke?

  5. Gibb's Rule #13: "Never, ever involve a lawyer"

  6. Yeah Gableman should have done it pro se. I agree.
