November 21, 2011

Oh look, Bradley Foundation "intellectual" lied?

In shocking Journal-Sentinel exposé:
[Conservatives questioned] whether someone under 18 has signed a petition to recall Scott Walker but Graeme Zielinski, spokesman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, released photos of the two holding their IDs that say they are 20 and 22 years old.
And conservatives didn't merely "question," they accused.

Just a reminder that this is what Journal Communications, Inc. is using the publicly-owned radio frequency 620 kHz for — spreading political lies.


  1. Breaking News: DPW backs Voter ID!

  2. Almost every righty in the Cheddarshere jumped on this. I wonder how many will type the words "I was wrong."

  3. You won't see that -- if at all -- until they've personally investigated to the fullest Malkin the young ladies themselves.

  4. Is Channel 4 using the same amount of energy to report their error as the original story?

  5. These women, exercising their rights as citizens, are being accused of felonies. It is intimidation and stinks of deeper things unworthy of our society, which Sykes plays like a harpsichord on a daily basis.

  6. The degenerate party degenerates.

  7. No Tom, didn't touch it. Sorry to disappoint the conspiracy theorists.

  8. Wisconsin Reporter sleep in this morning or what.

  9. I know conservatives are not partial to academic research, but perhaps they could make an exception in this case. It's fairly well known, particularly among defense attorneys, that whites are notoriously lousy at identifying black subjects. Turns out, the same is true for different-race age estimation. "Caucasian participants performed better at evaluating [the age of] Caucasian faces than African faces. However, African participants performed equally with both type of faces." Can you imagine Sykes copping to that for an excuse?
