November 21, 2011

Charlie Sykes, ex post facto equivocator

Journal Communications, Inc.'s marquee performing hominid Charlie Sykes has "updated" his website in acknowledgement of a few facts he'd deliberately ignored earlier. Claims the medium wave shouter: "As I said this morning, viewers are invited to reach their own conclusions."

But that certainly is not what he said on his website this morning. There he announced unequivocally, "Recall Fraud Captured on Videotape" and "This video speaks volumes about the tactics, the ethics, and the practices of the recall organizers." That's all. This clown is so full of it.

I'm told Charlie Sykes is actually taken seriously in certain quarters.


  1. He could have simply stated that the post was "Not intended as a factual statement." It's a beautiful disclaimer.

  2. Howdy stranger. And yeah that is the best disclaimer of all times.

  3. And then there is Newt Gingrich:

    Any Ad That Uses Words I Actually Said Is A Falsehood...

    or something like that

  4. Correction: The correct spelling is Newt Gingrinch

  5. Tom, I think you do great harm elevating Sykes to the status of hominid.
