It's true, there are even more federal grants and subsidies available in Communist China (where many of Johnson's customers reside).
Senate candidate Ron Johnson maturing quicklyApparently Ron Johnson's point is, for all Obama's efforts to turn the U.S. into Communist China, there's still nothing like the real thing.
— Wisconsin State Journal, 08/01/10
No wonder State Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus wants everybody to please stop talking about Ron Johnson. The next thing you know, he's going to want Ron Johnson himself to stop talking.*
Hi, I'm Mao Zedong, and I approved this message.
* Only kidding. They were wishing for that months ago.
What makes Macau so attractive is that gambling there was legalized relatively recently, so Wynn had the chance to get in on the ground floor (no hotel puns intended). By that reasoning, Ron Johnson should be advocating for the legalization of marijuana, because it would open up new markets and create a terrific climate for business investment here in Wisconsin.
It stands to reason.
Looks like Ronnie is having an Animal Farm moment.
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