March 15, 2013

Roggensack to complement law enforcement

It's been some time but I'm certain I recall the usual suspects on the political right in Wisconsin castigating that State's Chief Justice, Shirley Abrahamson, for presenting herself as an ally of law enforcement. In the course of winning 69 of 72 counties in 2009, the CJ ran an ad featuring Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney's enthusiastic support. Above is a detail of Supreme Court Justice Patience Roggensack's Facebook cover photo which, according to the proverb, tells a thousand words. And it's no different than if Roggensack were depicted shaking hands with an insurance company or manufacturing concern CEO. We've all seen the case captions for the controversies that reach the Wisconsin Supreme Court: State v. Brown, State v. Lopez, etc. That large man with the prominent pistol, warmly embracing the smiling judge inside a court of law, represents "State."

I don't see Lopez around, nor, naturally, the hypocrites on the right.


  1. This is corruption.

    It says: Look I prefer certain classes of litigants.

    Prosser did the same thing.

    Nothing about being impartial; nothing about the rule of law

    And the fact is the vast number of voters don't know what an appellate court is supposed to do.

  2. When Republican judges run ads depicting criminal defendants, they're there to liken to their opponents. Republicans are classy that way.

  3. Professor Fallone, on the other hand apparently complements gang banger drug dealers. Which is worse?

  4. Seems to me Fallone gave a purportedly rehabilitating ex-con the benefit of the doubt and the ex-con fucked up big time. Happens to judges quite a lot.
