July 14, 2012

'Trash, just that, trash.'

Janice stated she was familiar with Ottelien.

And it's all downhill from there: Hilarious.


  1. He should have to pay them for the investigation. He is making up nonsense. How do we know he didn't plant the evidence?

  2. I just cannot put much stock in someone who uses such vile language and is abusive. If she would tone it down she would be taken more seriously.

  3. To each her own style. What I find obscene are Sykes and his associated right-wing "news services."

  4. I agree, Sykes and company are worse because of the public airwaves platform that they exploit. Rootriver Siren (Kelly Gallagher) is in the same category as Fred Dooley, Pete DiGuadio, etc. There must be something in the water down in Racine. She does our side no favors and hurts more than helps.

  5. I apologize, John. Thought you were someone different.

  6. John, when you said "I just cannot put much stock in someone who uses such vile language and is abusive", I at first assumed you meant Ottelein, D'Abbraccio & Co. Didn't realize you were talking about RRS.
    She certainly has her own style, and until the papers start covering this as well as she does looks like you're stuck with her. Personally I wish she were much more widely read, naughty words and all.

  7. Personally, I love Root River Siren. She is Racine's Maureen Dowd, only she's better.

  8. Content that gets accentuated by a properly placed word or turn of phrase can make for worthwhile reading; but when it is simply part of the vernacular it lacks the emphasis the writer presumably speaks. So, yeah, it could be toned down or it ends up played out.
