January 12, 2012

Walker in Texas "promoting conservative values"

So says the Associated Press. Conservative values: breaking the law, which nobody disputes, a law meant to ensure only a reasonable bare minimum of access by the people of Wisconsin to the affairs of their elected officials and then — after conservative Republicans admitted to both breaking the law and violating the State constitution — appealing to the bought-and-paid-for judges on the State Supreme Court, including two who have committed multiple violations of the Wisconsin Code of Judicial Conduct and a third who is under investigation for having done so, who in turn fabricate a novel form of judicial power found nowhere in the State constitution to supposedly validate the aforementioned lawbreaking. Those are the conservative values Walker is promoting.


  1. A peculiarly modern GOP tactic is to pretend laws aren't really laws. Thus, the federal law that created the Consumer Financial Protection Agency is treated in Congress as if it is still being debated as a bill, even though a key number of Republicans actually voted yes when it was enacted. Likewise, Wisconsin Republicans violate the law, then seek to have it changed legislatively (e.g., Glenn Grothman's suggestion that the campaign contribution law Walker just violated again ought to be changed after the fact) or judicially (as when the state Supremes declare state statutes inoperative because ... well, because.

  2. How come it took 1,000 violations to arouse GG from his stupor.
