January 17, 2012

More than one million signatures to Recall Walker

"Thanks a million." — Scott Walker

I happened to catch Charlie Sykes and his fellow wing-nuts Christian Schneider and Brian Sikma on TMJ-4 on Sunday. All were yukking it up and claiming organizers would fail to collect enough signatures to recall Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, but they got her too, with nearly 850,000 of them. These characters are in deep, profound denial.

And WISGOP challenges will likewise be an exercise in futility. Signature-gatherers have been triple-checking the docs prior to their submittal.

Now, more importantly, we'll see whether November, 2010 was a fluke.

Even if it wasn't, Scott Walker blew it, by rescinding the people's statutory rights, which wasn't necessary, and in particular wasn't necessary for any fiscal reason. Walker admitted that, and the litigation which culminated in the Wisconsin Supreme Court's invention of "supervisory/original" jurisdiction proved it. Rescinding the people's rights is not something you can do without consequence, apparently.

That's as it should be, and it's why the constitution authorizes recalls.


  1. That's a lot of "Vicki McKennas"

  2. Walker's decimation of local school budgets is just starting to hit home in every town in the state. He tried to screw too many people at one time. He thought he was being bold when in fact he was being stupid.

    At least he will be able to hire the best defense lawyers to handle that pesky John Doe thing and there is sure to be a nice job awaiting him at Heritage or Cato. Competence is not a requirement at either "think" tank.

  3. He might make a good Journal-Sentinel community columnist.

  4. fox news "contributor," for sure.

  5. how DOES he sleep at night?....or look himself in the mirror each morning?....how do ANY of these right wing nuts do it?

  6. Money informs Walker's visceral politics.

  7. Yes. He wants to spend it wisely on public services, as opposed to giving handouts to well-off union thugs who don't need it.
