January 13, 2012

Kloppenburg will celebrate at Greenbush

"[It's] to celebrate the fact that there is no other candidate on the ballot," says Kloppenburg campaign manager Melissa Mulliken.
An odd thing to celebrate but they always were oddballs.


  1. Binversie is so dumb he even quotes me:

    "[H]ere is a professor of law suggesting that an assistant attorney general is deliberately stalling the process of litigation through the appellate courts. It's a serious charge, made without a scintilla of evidence, and is especially irresponsible issuing from a professor of law."

    But doesn't provide any of the wanting evidence (because there wasn't any, and there is none). I don't know anything about James O'Keefe's latest stunt. I almost feel sorry for Binversie.

  2. However ABC News's reference to O'Keefe as "gonzo" is a grave insult to the memory of Hunter S. Thompson.

  3. "Although they did not cast any votes, Think Progress notes that O'Keefe's crew may have inadvertently committed voter fraud themselves by, in the words of the law, '[making] a false material statement regarding his or her qualifications as a voter to an election officer.'"

    Well if that's what they did, it doesn't take a law professor from Hamline or anywhere else to argue that they may have violated the statute.

    "New Hampshire law also requires both parties to consent before filming their communication — and the election officials in O'Keefe's video don't appear to have given permission — so state officials are calling for the vigilante filmmaker to be to prosecuted."

    And O'Keefe calling Jim Bopp to demonstrate that the two-party consent rule violates the First Amendment's prohibition on abridging the rights of a free press.

  4. $25 to defray the costs of the "campaign" at the party to celebrate no challenger...

    Also, lol at Binversie's "time in DC." That boy sure is self-important. His permanent state of arousal regarding your status as a lawyer is strange as well...
