January 14, 2012

Hitler comparisons inapt, say WISGOP partisans

True, 'cuz Walker canceled the train he could have made run on time.


  1. Maybe a Mussolini comparison would have been more apt, regarding timely trains.

  2. I happen to have recently read a series of books concerning daily life during the Third Reich; arrogant petty bureaucrats, police officials with limitless powers, sadistic prosecutors, crazy judges, neighbors informing on neighbors, and each character earily reminds me of a particular political party that I must not mention because it is bad form and will upset people who are diligently trying to take away my human rights.

  3. JGableman, a sworn member of the Bar--so in theory a person already held to a higher standard for truth, justice and the American way--went and put his hat in the ring for Supreme Court, and then wages a rancid campaign--one so bad that he then has to claim 1st Amendment protection to defend that rancid campaign--but this person, who is really just a plain old private citizen (and not held to bar membership standards) who shares his MERE OPINION with a legislator-- gets this woodshed treatment? How come the GOP legislator doesn't just allow the teacher a pass based on the same 1st Amendment protections he presumably gives Gableman? Eh, nevermind, sounds about right.

  4. has to claim 1st Amendment protection ...

    Unsuccessfully, therefore the defense was for free.

  5. Ich bin auf einen Autobahn gefahren. Tom Reynolds' wishes for a higer speed limit would finally come true.
