December 9, 2011

Scott Walker gives gift of inadvertent comedy

Early Xmas for left-liberal Quesosphere

He's hired an old Sharron Angle hand to be his new PR flack

And she looks pretty crazed too.


  1. From Walker's announcement:

    "Ciara worked as ... a senior member of the communications team for a top tier U.S. Senate race in 2010."

    They can't even force the name across their lips.

  2. Matthews is also an alum, though NOT mentioned on Walker's announcement, of the Susan B. Anthony List, the extreme anti-abortion group that pressures GOP candidates to sign a pledge to end abortion. It's also Koch funded, and a big fan of the Gov. and ESPECIALLY the Lt. Gov. SBE List President Marjorie Dannenfelser has appeared onstage several times this year with RebeccaForReal at anti-choice forums and panels.

    Goodness. When DOES BK find the time to make those calls to IL?

  3. Nips that healthcare debate. I can pay my doctor with a chicken! Forward!!!!
