December 13, 2011

Ruthelle Frank v. Scott Walker

Nice law you got there, WISGOP.
Plaintiff Ruthelle Frank is an 84-year-old Caucasian resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin, where she has served on the Village Board since 1996, and an eligible voter registered to vote in Wisconsin. She has no accepted form of photo ID under the photo ID law and lacks a certified copy of her birth certificate, which she needs to prove citizenship to the Wisconsin [Dept. of Motor Vehicles]. Ms. Frank was born at her home in Brokaw in 1927. Though she has never possessed a birth certificate, upon information and belief, the state Register of Deeds has a record of her birth and could produce a certified copy of her birth certificate at a charge. However, that record bears an incorrect spelling of her maiden name: Wedepohl. The process to amend a birth certificate is lengthy and costly, with some reports suggesting it might require $200 or more. She has voted in every election since 1948 and intends to vote in Wisconsin again next year.
And sixteen others, versus Scott Walker.

Yes, let's make your First Amendment right burdensome and costly.

And why? Because of Jim Ott and those similarly situated's phantasies.

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope Ruthelle - and the rest of these folks - have concerned and protective friends and neighbors to look out for them. What's happening to anonymous recall petitioners on street corners and in parking lots around Wisconsin is heading their way tenfold.
