November 15, 2011

What's the Treasurer of Wisconsin up to today?

Campaigning pretty hard for Scott Walker, from the looks of it.

On the public dime?


  1. An elected official is their own boss in how he or she uses their time (and doesn't this chef want to abolish his own useless office anyway-or morph it into an executive function), but for cryin' out loud, did he do much today other than put up posts appearing to be once an hour? And that presumably just punctuated other political activity? And why's he got Paul Ryan so much on his Facebook that he has him 'liked' twice? You, Mr. Treasurer, have made us all dumber for having posted such twitter and facebook content, and make me miss...well, the naivete of a bygone era when you didn't have social media.

  2. He wanted to abolish the office, until he was elected to it and started collecting its paychacks...

  3. Jeff, that's not true at all. He literally wants to get rid of the office, but disagreed with Walker who wanted to do it via legislation. Instead, the treasurer wants to abolish the office through a referendum.

  4. Considering that the treasurer position is included in the state constitution, there's really not that many legal ways the position can be eliminated.
