November 29, 2011

So lemme get this straight ...

Conservative Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is accused of sexual harassment, he's able to soldier on. Herman Cain is accused of sexual assault, he's able to soldier on. Herman Cain is accused of having a consensual affair, and so-called religious conservatives, including Fox News host Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist preacher, now decide to sit up and condemn this as the "most damaging allegation" of them all.

That's some seriously atavistic moral theology you got going there fellas.

Sick, even.


  1. If this allegation is damning to Cain, shouldn't the fact that Gingrich has had at least two affairs be damning to Newt?

    Just when I think I can at least understand Republican ethics...

  2. My daughter posted this on her FB. Kinda like this:

    "If you camp in a tent because you were a victim of the greedy practices of a mortgage company, you are an eyesore and need to move along. If you camp in a tent because you have no home, due to losing your job when the corporation you worked for did massive layoffs to keep their stock prices up, you're lazy and expecting a handout. If you live in a tent while you 'occupy', because you want a better world for your children, you're a socialist who just needs to take a bath and get a job. If you camp in a tent in order to get a great deal on the newest wide-screen, hi-definition are a good American who knows the meaning of Christmas. .... a quote By Scott Kidd

  3. Kinda reminds me of someone with the initials WJC. And he went on to be president.

  4. He and his penis went on to be President, you mean.

  5. You're right Foust, I forgot about that he brought his wife along.

  6. That kind of scandal killed Gary Hart's chance in the race. And it was a singular affair.

    Yes....I'm old enough to remember.
