November 1, 2011

Bice scoop had everything going for it but timing

Mark Block won't talk about the other Cain scandal — David Weigel

Koch Bros./"Tea Party" favorite Mark Block was "banned from politics" for three years for his role in running the election campaign of a conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, Jon P. Wilcox. What is it with conservative Republicans and Wisconsin Supreme Court elections?

It's a less than noble history. Justice Wilcox's successor, Justice Annette Ziegler, was imposed a public reprimand for 11 violations of the State code of judicial conduct. Next came the notorious Mike Gableman, and then the latest conservative Republican to face election, Justice David Prosser, is under investigation by the Wisconsin Judicial Commission.

Justices. Of the Supreme Court.


  1. So is Mark Block just sloppy or was someone planning all along to mess up Herman Cain's campaign? I'm not a supporter of Cain but I do find this screw-up to be intriguing.

  2. Interesting thought Anon...

  3. The account balances statement thing that Bice published is pretty sloppy, that's for sure.
