February 17, 2013

Roggensack foolishness is mostly true

Judge Charles P. Dykman, who retired in 2010 after 32 years on the appeals bench, said it was "foolishness" to equate complex cases heard by three-judge panels with minor summary disposition cases in which the appeal often lacked merit.
Nevertheless, "Mostly True" despite the foolish premise.

Must be legal logic.


  1. "The count includes minor and major cases, and a large number in which the judge’s decision is written up by staff attorneys." / "A large number" is not super Facts-y. And they don't tell us how many majority opinions she authored either. Is that a PolitiSecret?

  2. I'm glad Patrice McIlheran no longer writes for the local rag. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  3. He's on the federal gummint gravy train now.
