July 6, 2012

Introduction to logic with your host Robin Vos

[State Rep. Robin Vos] said he heard second hand that someone tried to use a Bed Bath and Beyond mailer as proof of address.
"Is that fraud? I don’t know. It isn’t right and it seems fraudulent. You tell me how that’s not a fraudulent vote."
That's a clown question bro.


  1. Not fraud if someone tries to use the mailer. Fraud if that is accepted as the proof of residence. I've never seen a BB&B mailer with a person's name on it!

  2. BTW, Robin Vos, though he may be a fine pay-to-play politician, is a really poor legislator.

  3. I remember when I was young, I would have thought any mail was "proof", it sort of is, actually, but not legally for voting.

  4. Bed, Bath and Beyond send you a flyer when you buy a new home sometimes. Sometimes it says, "Dear New Home Owner..." or something like that.
