May 3, 2012

Walker meets with Republican campaign strategists

No, I'm sorry, I mean the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial board.


  1. when they asked him for an example of when he told the truth, the pause was longer than herman cain's.

  2. Best thing I saw recently was the editorial page editor David Haynes personally soliciting a column from the MacGyver Institute because it would "dove-tail" well with his editorial. MacGyver's piece was an idiotic screed by Brian Fraley -- "idiotic screed by Brian Fraley" being a redundancy -- critical of the paper so Haynes spiked it in favor of some equally partisan nonsense from Alberta Darling.

  3. You are mistaken old friend. They're not strategists. They're just the communications wing of the campaign. In the posted photo, they're just killing time until the regional director, Charlie Sykes, showed up.

  4. Great post, great comments.

    Thanks for the laffs in these tense times!

  5. Earnest lip bite. Means he's serious.

  6. After reading the anti-recall tripe the J-S wrote today, Illy-T's joke isn't that funny. It's not a joke at all, actually.
