April 15, 2012

Scott Walker spokesmodel's "predominant function"

According to a United States Federal District Court:
Hooters has admitted that the Hooters Girl's predominant function is to provide vicarious sexual recreation, to titillate, entice, and arouse male customers' fantasies.
Ms. Matthews et al don't do much for me, but I'm not a table:
[Hooters'] counsel stated that Hooters' trade dress consisted of ... a table-top setup consisting of a wooden vertical paper towel spool ... and table tents ...
Now there is some furniture Rebecca Kleefisch can marry.

h/t Jud Lounsbury.


  1. Must be raining in paradise if you're posting.

  2. Hello there sir. 'Twas raining pretty good last night as a matter of fact but it's absolutely gorgeous again at the moment, which it usually is. I'd been consumed with work but things are finally settling down a bit lately.

  3. Is that a table tent, or are you just happy to hire me?
