January 18, 2012

Thanks for all the cheese

It's been a pantload. See ya soon.


  1. An hiatus of indefinite duration, I would say.

  2. Hope all is well. You will be sorely missed.

  3. All is great, thanks, and that's extremely kind of you to say.

  4. No-o-o-o-o-o-ooooooo...!

    Uh, well, um, okay.

  5. Dude, I just have to say:

    1. Thanks for the amazing blogging. A public service of rare quality is what the illy-t blog has been. The funny stuff was very, very funny, but some of your careful, clear explanations of legal and political nuances, as you perceived them, were brilliant bits of public education. You rock.

    2. You make me care about Wisconsin, then you stop blogging? You suck.

    But mostly (1). Obviously.

  6. Aw, I am saddened to read this. Dang. Come back soon?

  7. Oh, no, first you hook us, and then you cut us off! I'll miss this blog.

    Any suggestions for substitutes while you're away?

  8. are you taking a leave to compose baroque music? hope you'll be bach.

  9. Oh, you will be missed. My God your blog was/is just wonderful. I will really miss you, but hope all goes well for you.

  10. I may not be blogging anymore, but I'm still reading yours. Hope you're back soon, and thanks for a great public service.

  11. Thanks for the whine and wisdom.

  12. Shhh. I'm still in denial about his departure.

  13. But... but... I just got here! No fair!
    You are one of three WI blogs I do not miss. Damn.

  14. Thanks for everything. You're a tremendous blogger, but more importantly you're a tremendous person.

  15. Ach, I feel like I am losing my brother, which makes sense, since that is what is happening.

    But just who the hell will be watching my back now?

  16. Ditto to all of the above. Good luck with whatever you pursue.

  17. You will be missed by those that give a shit about what is right and wrong in this world.

  18. Tell me this is a dream.
    Man, I start my day with you!

    Thanks for a lot of great writing.

  19. Thanks everybody, y'all are way too kind (and Clutch's comments have been consistently much funnier than any blargh poast here).

  20. Why would you leave when things are starting to get good???

    Who will keep the professor on his toes? No, you are NOT leaving. I forbid it.

    Ah, I know what you're doing, you're working for the Bradley Foundation, similar to P-Mac's departure. :)

  21. Long-time reader, first-time commenter. Thanks for the insight and wisdom. You'll be missed. Have you found a subleaser?

  22. Tom ---
    Thanks for all the thoughts, all the ideas, and for the laughs. I'm really sorry I didn't get to know you personally after all this time. We'll all miss you. Stay in touch.

  23. Best of luck, Tom. As you know, I envy your writing skills and consider you enormously gifted.

  24. One of the post perceptive, on the mark, and not to mention humorous voices is cutting out just as it gets fun.

    You'll be hard to replace. In reality, you won't be.

  25. I want to cry.


  26. Please, please, please do not gooooo~~~~~ oo~~~~

    Thanks for all you've done. Meadehouse sighs in relief knowing you aren't on the watch. :(

  27. this just figures. and on the same day this decision was handed down:


  28. Damn. I looked forward to reading your blog daily. You'll be missed by many.

  29. I check about 4 blogs regularly, including yours. You even have your own little linky buttony thing on my bookmark bar.


    Enjoy the hiatus.

    If/when you return, we'll be here. Crying.

  30. I hope the hiatus is short. You will be missed every day you're gone.

  31. I'll miss this, sir.

    Farewell and best of luck.

  32. Thanks again everybody. Okay, I'm off the grid. Impeach the scofflaws!

  33. C'mon Illy, your stuff is too valuable to just cut off like that. We need your analysis to break down the inevitable implosion of GOP redistricting and the fall of Gableman.

    Besides, you can still run against Gableman when he's recalled, can't you? WE NEED YA MAN!

  34. C'mon man, we need your sardonic insights as our state legislators and justices fall from grace in spectacular fashion!

    Seriously, don't be a stranger. This is great work that you do here.

  35. I am experiencing serious IT withdrawl. Missn' you bud.

  36. I will miss you. Your blog and tweets were a valuable resource. I have learned a lot from reading your stuff. Thanks a million for your efforts, and I hope to hear from you again.

  37. Nuts! Take care - we gots to do what we gots to do. You will be missed!

  38. This is truly sad news. Good luck to you and your future endeavors. You will surely be missed on #wiunion although I did see you on there this morning LOL

  39. Get yo' ass back on the interwebs, Sir. Double time.

  40. Enjoy the hiatus, my friend. You are and will continue to be missed.

  41. Best damn blog out there. Thanks a million. Hope to hear from you again sometime.

  42. Hey, did you designate an heir? Has some other sensible centrist cheeseblogger volunteered step up and be the go-to source for legal and political analysis?

  43. The slot is open, but I hope somebody is following the comic saga of Mike "Peppercorn" Gableman:

    Petitioners' Response to Motion for Recusal, Part One.

    Petitioners' Response to Motion for Recusal, Part Two.

    In which petitioners (a.k.a. WISGOP legal activists) assert repeatedly that "Peppercorn" Gableman's contingent fee arrangement counts as "valuable consideration" in return for Michael Best & Friedrich's representation but fail to provide any on-point legal or factual support for said assertions (and in passing actually cite to a "blog post" by Rick Esenberg).

    Intervenors' Proposed Reply in Support of Recusal

    Since accepted for filing by the Supreme Court. The question of whether Gableman's alleged "peppercorn" was sufficient consideration to satisfy the "valuable" requirement in the Code of Judicial Ethics such that MB&F's services were not a "gift" is not just going to go away, despite the strenuous hand-waving of Prof. Esenberg and Pals.

    As for the recusal element, the court's conservative majority has long since stacked the deck in Gableman's favor on that account.

  44. What? Now you're putting the new blog posts in the comments on the "last post"?

  45. Hey! Don't discourage him! Those of us in severe IT withdrawal will take whatever crumbs he tosses out there!
    Warmest wishes Tom, and thanks for everything.

  46. Haha. Well I am trying to keep up with reading the Gableman-related and redistricting case motions and briefs. They're pretty hilarious. And thanks!

  47. Boy, don't check in for a while and then people just close up their blog.

    I hope you'll alert people via Twitter or something when you're back. I liked the haiku-ish nature of your updates and looked to you for news on this stuff.

  48. "Please, Sir. May I have some more?"

  49. "Rambling olio of surmise" - good God, that's as far as I got (start of the second sentence). IT, you may not realize the influence you've had on recall soldiers like me. One of our working principles, rigidly adhered to, has been that everyone contributes as they see fit, and that's worked well.

    Still, there is no one who fills the niche you fill(ed). What with Gableman/Prosser, the redistricting suit, the Voter ID suit, John Doe .... Ok, I get it, you're writing a book.

  50. Any possibility the hiatus is appearing of more definite duration?

  51. I am but with one eye on the WISGOP circus. Still indefinite, however, and will be lengthy.

  52. Depending on where you're sitting, it's always good to keep one eye on your beer.

  53. *sigh* We still miss you, Shane.

  54. How's the tan?


  55. Farmer tan so far, but I'm working on it. I said months ago the court would dismiss this case. Prosser and his friends totally made up the law to grant that injunction prior to accepting jurisdiction. Thanks for the link. I'm going to read the opinion(s) as soon as I get a chance. This is another Republican farce and I'm interested to see where this case's posture sits since Prosser removed himself after voting to grant the injunction. These characters are just making it up as they go along, despite their alleged commitment to "strict construction" and the rest of that conservative bullshit.

  56. Every time I read anything about these court cases I find myself wondering what would il have to say. At least get your buddy Plaisted to write more.

  57. I told Placemat to pick up the slack!

  58. I know the Tenant is on hiatus but there are a wealth of smart minds that linger here, so I a question that bugs me about the recent redistricting ruling from Appeals. While this require a Legislative session or can the Attorney General have the Court do it for the state?

  59. Haven't read the opinion and I am almost literally insanely busy with the new position. Thanks be to the godz that this place is spectacular and the people marvelous.
