December 19, 2011

Wisconsin: Why isn't Gableman being recalled?

"Appearance of impropriety" is a dead, legal fiction 'round here.
State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in two cases cast the deciding vote in favor of parties represented by a law firm that gave him tens of thousands of dollars of free legal services, a review of State records shows. — By Patrick Marley.
Tens of thousands of dollars worth. For free.

Thank heavens it wasn't a Speed Queen rib.

Except nothing is for free, is it.
"That's a judgment call," Rick Esenberg said.*
Naturally. Rick Esenberg and his then-research assistant at the Marquette University Law School stumped extensively for Gableman. Esenberg even appeared in a video for Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, which spent like the bejeezus getting Gableman elected.

Rick Esenberg should have declined to comment. It does not look good on him that he did, considering his status as an enthusiastic Gableman surrogate. This blog has been following Gableman's antics for four years.

Kind of a sordid anniversary ain't it.

I was still an idealist in those days. No more.

* "Thanks for the golden insight, Rick." — Mike Plaisted



  1. Wisconsin: where judicial ethics now goes to die. On the upside, Wisconsin now has at least we now have TWO of John Grisham's fictional works turned into reality, previously with "The Appeal" and with "The Pelican Brief". It had seemed he was put on the bench by WI Manufacturers and Commerce just to get Jensen off the hook-that was underestimation of the true utility of this judicial tool. Michael Best and Friedrich has been running the state (well, other than the redistricting legislation gaffe, but what do they care--even if you can't win them all, you can get paid for them all by the taxpayers).

  2. We hear a lot of "shame, shame" these days, but this truly is one.

  3. He isn't being recalled because the unions can only afford to pay for 1 set of Indiana trained signature collectors.
