December 1, 2011

Follow the WISGOP rules of evidence logic


Madison wing-nut radio shouter Vicki McKenna says somebody signed her name to a Recall Scott Walker petition. And how does she know this?
While McKenna said she can't verify the report, she said the emailer [who reported it] is a "fairly regular listener," and she’s inclined to believe the listener wouldn’t make up the charge.
Via Wisconsin Reporter, which actually made a "news" story from that.

The Journal-Sentinel should be running with it any moment ...


  1. She does realize that the petitions will be vetted for names like hers or say Sykes, right?

    Somehow, Jim Ott will find away to use this as justification to further limit people's rights though.

  2. She does realize ...

    Of course. That's why she notified the lapdogs at Wisconsin Reporter instead of the Government Accountability Board, or the police.

  3. I bet a doughnut there's more than one Vicki/Vicky/Vickie McKenna in Wisconsin. Or at least my best friend's cousin's brother-in-law claimed that was the case.

  4. Listener said he recognized the medium wave shouter's home address on the petition, which is pretty creepy stalkerish in its own right.

  5. Sometimes you just don't know who to believe...but you can make a good guess by what they do...:)

  6. Whether or not there's more than one Vicki McKenna in Wisconsin, her name is Vicki Pyzynski.

  7. Brings to mind, "My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."

    Yes, a very reliable source indeed.
