November 15, 2011

Scott Walker shuts down three Waukesha schools

"We have 25 schools," says a School District of Waukesha board member in a Scott Walker defense campaign video. But according to the district's website, "There are 28 schools in the district." Off to a flying start.
"Walker, he gave us options that reduced our biggest costs."


  1. That page says "There are 28 schools in the district with 14 elementary schools (grades 4K-5), 3 middle schools (grades 6-8), 3 high schools (grades 9-12), and 6 charter schools. (updated 10/19/10)".

    14 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 26?

    Their super on their home page says "with over 12,000 pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students served in our 20 schools."

    I'd prefer "more than" and "twenty" spelled out, Mr. Gray. I might cut some slack on "twelfth".

    Districts often lack webmasters.

  2. There's 28 listed in the drop-down menu on the left.

  3. They have Kathy Nickolaus counting the number of schools.

  4. Found some more schools in a bag in Brookfield.

  5. This is what happens when you let lawyers do math. (Gibb's Rule #13 - Never, ever involve a lawyer!"). If you had done a little work, you would have found out the Bi-lingual program listed is at another elementary school, that 1 of the charter schools is online, and that 2 of the other charter schools are located on the same campus as 1 of the high schools. But please continue ridicule the board member.

  6. Two of the other charter schools are located at one of the high schools ... that's three schools, dood.

  7. Rule #36: If you feel like you are being played, you probably are.
