June 13, 2011

"Same propaganda, different name on paycheck."

Patrick McIlheran to leave MJS for spot Ron Johnson's staff

Nice government job, and with a hypocrite too. Perfect.

Make room for up-and-coming wing-nut Steve Prestegard.

Please visit the Patrick McIlheran archive / jamboree of dissembling


  1. Maybe if prestegard found himself employed by the JS he'd lay off the ad hominem attacks on poor Fred Clark.

    I mean, Steve-o hates him some Fred Clark.

  2. I'm glad he's gone. Not because he disagreed with my viewpoint, but because he was a really bland writer. Will he just keep cribbing Powerline for whatever he does for RoJo?

  3. sen. johnson will be asigning pat to check out those sunspots, but only at night.

  4. At least the federal government is virtually assured of not going out of business.

  5. Paul Ryan will shut 'er down just about the time PatMac tries to pick up his second paycheck.

  6. I thought that ill-informed and slightly dense politicians needed particularly sharp and clever (if cynical and unprincipled) handlers around them to mediate between them and the uncomfortable recalcitrant facts.

    A still less-informed and denser handler wouldn't seem to be of much use in such a role.

  7. lay off the ad hominem attacks

    But then he'd be out of material.
