August 17, 2010

Sunspots claim Ron Johnson press secretary

Item: Sara Sendek previously served as press secretary for U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) on his gubernatorial campaign. — JSOnline
3:59 PM Aug 3rd via Twitter for Blackberry®
3 hours until polls close! Looking positive for @petehoekstra
Sara Sendek must have been following the Rasmussen Reports, as Pete Hoekstra lost by ten percentage points in the MI GOP primary.

Of course scientifically it could have been just the aurora borealis that raised the ambient temperature of 381,327 Rick Snyder voters.

Ron Johnson's going to need an optimist, that's for sure.


  1. Sara, your first assignment is to make it clear I wasn't talking about global warming.

    I didn't hear the question. I thought they asked about global warring, which I don't believe in.

  2. Didn't the JS used to post videos of those candidate encounters?
