July 18, 2009

A blunt view of homophobia

It can only be seen as funny that demagogues give speeches denouncing men who insert their penises into other men's anuses — and then go home to insert their penises into their wives' vaginas! (One might have thought it obvious that either both of these acts are completely outrageous or neither of them is.)
Wallace Shawn
Neither, I reckon.

Also from the August, 2009 issue of Harper's (filed under "Haberdashery — The King Of Fop"), "descriptions of the attire of Oscar Wilde by journalists reporting on his 1882 visit to the United States and Canada," including:
A monster moonlight-green tie; a velvet jacket, concerning the fit of which he should have a word with his tailor; and loose trousers of subdued tint but of very self-assertive cut.
It's unclear how they could be both "loose" and "self-assertive."


  1. I'd go with both, with the assumption that all but a few humans have the capacity of acting outrageously. It's literally what keeps us going.

  2. Not to mention the demagogues who go home and insert their penises into their wives' anuses.

  3. journalists reporting on his 1882 visit to the United States and Canada

    At least the fuddyduddys of the day were entertaining. Now all we get are links to warmed-over drool from Cheeto Goldberg.
