February 2, 2009

Bit of a disadvantage

Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson reported Monday that she raised nearly $823,000 in 2008. Her challenger Jefferson County Circuit Judge Randy Koschnick raised $14,700 over the same period.
Via WKBT La Crosse. But see, 35k claimed raised in January:
On Jan. 1, the Abrahamson campaign reported cash on hand of $696,100; the Koschnick campaign, $14,160.
Odd, when Steven Walters's item first appeared, that line read:
On Jan. 1, the Abrahamson campaign reported cash on hand of $696,100; the Koschnick campaign, $570.
So Randy Koschnick only spent $540 in 2008? Campaign person Seamus Flaherty must have one hella pile of invoices on his desk.

I spent $540 at T.J. Maxx.


  1. That's not their only disadvantage. I did a little DD on Seamus:


  2. Linky.

    I think Koschnick's website has finally made it to the top of the Google hits page though.

  3. You have $540 to blow at TJ Maxx? I shant ever buy you a dram of ale, sir! Nay, tis should be you that treats me!

  4. I spent $540 at T.J. Maxx.
    Then I think ur doin it wrong.
