September 9, 2008

Sarah Palin Truth Squad to the rescue!

Margaret Farrow, a notorious Republican lobbyist and sometime lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, has been appointed by John McCain to the local branch of his Sarah Palin "Truth Squad," supposedly intended to counter "attacks" against McCain's veep choice and soulmate, reports the AP.

Margaret Farrow is also a former member in dubious standing of a Judge Mike Gableman "Truth Squad," which plied its disingenuous trade across the State earlier this year.

While Farrow has some experience with political attacks, having perpetrated a considerable number of them herself, whether she'll satisfy the "Truth" component is an open question.

Among the special versions of "Truth" that Margaret Farrow championed was this claim, dated February 1, 2008:
Louis Butler provided the deciding vote to overturn a sexual predator decision by a circuit court, resulting in the release of the predator into Milwaukee County.
More on that at this link and also at this one.

Richard A. Brown, the predator in question, was at that time and remains to this day safely ensconced in a Wisconsin Department of Corrections supervised living facility in Winnebago County.

That leaves the Sarah Palin "Squad," at least.

UPDATE: The freshly minted Sarah Palin "Truth Squad" swings immediately into robust action, inadvertently excoriating candidate John McCain for comparing Senator Hillary Clinton to a pig.

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