August 18, 2008

Thanks for making his point

Via Pundit Nation:
Daniel Cody is wondering at the time Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is spending calling in to the Charlie Sykes show and preparing e-mail that Sykes can post at his blog. Isn't he supposed to be running county government?
Walker dutifully responded to Daniel Cody's inquiry — by e-mailing Charlie Sykes, who in turn dutifully reproduced Walker's e-mail.

And to top it all off, Sykes thinks the irony lies everywhere else.


  1. I've lost track of the number of times Charlie's used the headline "Shut up, they explained," but it does seem to occur whenever he feels the need to fall back on his "liberals want to censor us" screed. Of course, all people in Milwaukee want Walker to do is his job.

  2. "liberals want to censor us"

    That would be like the circus firing its clowns.

  3. "Ted Bundy worked on the re-election campaign of Washington's Republican Governor Dan Evans. Evans was elected and he appointed Bundy to the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Committee. Bundy's political future seemed secure, when in 1973 he became assistant to Ross Davis, chairman of the Washington State Republican Party."

    Democratic serial killers may be funnier, but Republican serial killers are more prolific.

  4. That is about the funniest and non-denial of a denial that I've seen recently, thanks for pointing it out.

    Notice that Walker doesn't seem to deny he's sitting on the phone all morning talking to right-wing talk radio hosts.

    Also, when was the last time any of us got an email from any Democratic elected official that we posted on our weblogs, much less the near daily diatribes that come from Walkers campaign.

    But in their minds that's all they need to do is say "lefty" and "fairness doctrine" in the same sentence to distract everyone from the actual point.

  5. But leave it to the Republicans and the Death Penalty to finally dispose of them both. If it were up to the Democrats they would still be hanging around.

  6. all they need to do is say "lefty" and "fairness doctrine" in the same sentence ...

    Here's Sykes himself, pontificating at that distinguished "think tank," the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute:

    "[P]rogressives, who are usually enamored of the idea of a 'living constitution,' ironically become the strictest of strict constructionists when they argue that because broadcast is not specifically mentioned [in the First Amendment], the government has the power to gag speech transmitted through the airwaves."

    Has anyone, let alone a "progressive," ever made this argument? I'm not aware of it.

  7. Leave it to the Republicans and the death penalty ...

    Right, like George Ryan.

  8. IT - I recognize that the move was a sort of last minute hail Mary on Ryan's part, but damn if it wasn't beautiful.

  9. George Ryan was a crook out to save his own skin, and you all wanted to give him the Nobel Peace Prize for it.

  10. [Republican Gov.] George Ryan was a crook ...

    Thus returning full circle to your example of John Wayne Gacy as a Democrat. Well played.
