thoughtful essay from the folks at

The woman who pioneered women wearing pants was the actress Katharine Hepburn. She became rich and famous but never experienced a happy marriage and never knew the joy of having children. Her philosophy of life of being unfeminine resulted in her not fulfilling her purpose of life. We reap what we sow. There are consequences for actions. Women wearing pants is cross-dressing. It should be looked down on as much as men wearing dresses. The social experiment of feminism to destroy any sense of difference between male and female in the twentieth century has resulted in women wearing military camouflage fatigue pants and boots. The Bible says cross-dressing is an "abomination of God."
And yes, that's the whole essay.
Submitted to a Candid World.
(Richard Lenski's second reply to Andy Schlafly is
That's not the whole essay. You left out my favorite part:
"The woman who pioneered women wearing pants was the actress Katharine Hepburn. She became rich and famous but never experienced a happy marriage and never knew the joy of having children. Her philosophy of life of being unfeminine resulted in her not fulfilling her purpose of life."
Ug. Gross. Is having children my purpose in life? I think not. I'm actually even wearing a dress today, and this so-called essay is making me feel dirty for it.
Whoops, you're right! Fixed.
Armani 4: 1-12
1. And lo, a simple shepherd boy did wander in the desert, clad in his loincloth and sandals, to be with his God, when he came across a demon
2. And the demon spake thus: Oh shepherd boy! thou art comely and lithe, and your seed precious, stand with me
3. And the simple shepherd boy was sore afraid and trembled and cried out "No demon, be gone! For thou art not of my God, the lord of hosts!"
4. But the demon did tempt the simple shepherd boy with a spaghetti strap camosol and black faux-leather hot pants and fuck-me pumps, and a shepherd's crook adorned with a kingly phallus. And the simple shepherd boy did gaze up these adornments in wonder. Then the simple shepherd boy gazed down at his girded loins, and he was sore ashamed.
5. And the demon spake thus: "I can see you are ashamed of your girded loins, and the sun that blesses the crops doeth harm to your naked back and arms. I offer you clothing fit for a king! Why are thou so hesitant, oh simple shepherd boy! Let me anoint thee with moisturizer!
6. And the simple shepherd boy's tongue was still, for he had no answer, and the day was drawing to a close and lo he was sore tired. So he took the spaghetti strap camosol and the black faux leather hot pants and the fuck-me pumps, and did ungird his loins in front of the demon, for the simple shepherd boy was now without shame.
7. And lo! The simple shepherd boy did adorn himself with the demon clothing, much to the demon's delight.
8. And the demon spake thus: Relax. Don't do it. When you want to go to it. Relax. Don't do it.
9. Then the earth opened and a clap of thunder did roar across all the land! and the Lord Thy God did speak: Simple Shepherd Boy! Why dost thou displease me with thy dress? Such is an abomination in my eyes!
10. And the simple shepherd boy did tremble in fear.
11. Then a plague of locusts descended on the desert and slew the simple shepherd boy thus.
12. the endeth
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