May 20, 2008

Not a bad idea

Perhaps we should cover our troops and vehicles in Qur’ans. Sounds like it would be better than armor.
And a bit of trenchant sarcasm:
Dear Iraqis, I’m sorry we got rid of your murderous, insane dictator. I’m sorry we’ve spent five years bleeding our country dry so yours doesn’t fall apart. I’m sorry that one of our soldiers showed the disrespect towards Islam that you institutionalize towards Christianity and Judaism. Please forgive us. If it will appease you we will gladly throw this soldier to the wolves.
Defusing a Koran shootingNYT

Opines a Randian Zionist:
GIVE HIM A PROMOTION! I am sure Christiane Imamwhore is weeping uncontrollably ...
That must be the Louis XIII Cognac of Hate Blogs.


  1. the disrespect towards Islam that you institutionalize towards Christianity and Judaism

    What a load of Pharisaical horseshit. To say that JudeoChristians would lose a dickhead-measuring contest is pure fantasy.

    We could rule out "secular" racist assholes like Bernard Lewis - or limit the search to Southeast Wisconsin - and still win with one hand tied behind our backs.

  2. "Most Profound Man in Iraq - an unidentified farmer in a fairly remote area who, after being asked by Reconnaissance Marines (searching for Syrians) if he had seen any foreign fighters in the area replied "Yes, you."

    Ba-dump bump.

  3. Maybe I'll go over to the Cousins Center and take a shit on the Bible. No one would be offended, correct?


  4. gnarlytrombone - what the heck are you talking about? You think Christians and Jews are welcome over in Iraq?
