May 23, 2008

Must. Stop. Homos.

It's for your own good, sinners.
The Alliance Defense Fund is asking the [California] Supreme Court to rehear the case on a single issue. The group argues that the ruling should be stayed until after the November elections, when voters are likely to consider a ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage.

In a 21-page legal brief, the defense fund argues that freezing the ruling would avoid chaos around the state as couples move to capitalize on their newfound legal right to marry by rushing to clerk's offices to get marriage licenses between now and November.
"Marriage trampled in California," asserts the ADF's website, which also contains the following "Statement of Faith":
Those who die in a state of sin and unbelief suffer the punishment of Hell.
I'll be sure to save them a seat, unless they get there first. In which case, toast me a marshmallow or three and give my regards to Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Darwin, and Thomas Jefferson.


Anonymous said...

You can maybe debate Jefferson on why he proposed castration of those who commit sodomy.

illusory tenant said...

Probably because it was less severe than killing them. Jefferson was also a slaveowner, despite the sentiments expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall him proposing that slavery should be in the constitution or bill of rights.

illusory tenant said...

He was in Paris. You've read Art. I, Sec. 9, Cl. 1 though, right? What Jefferson's attitude toward that "such Persons" provision was, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln was quite convinced that none of our founders wanted slavery legal and argued that it's absence from the constitution (inter alia) was proof. He convinced enough people so, I'll stick with that.

Anonymous said...

I wrote to quickly and the above should have read, "none of our founders except for North and South Carolina and Georgia".

I think we both know that Jefferson spoke passionately against the slave trade before the revolution as well as against slavery after. It certainly was part of the revolution.

Have a good day.

illusory tenant said...

You too.